warning! its another long one! totally worth it!oh wow.
where do i start...
so i go over to nicks house, teejay is there, we're bored, lets go to albertsons...its closed, turkey day, we're hungry/bored, so we go searching for somewhere...anywhere that had food/cola. we go to some gas station, get some energy drinks and beef jerky. whatevs. what to do now? lets drive up to the top of that mountain right there, see how windy it is! so we get up there, its rediculously windy, i've never been in such intense wind in my life, i brought my camera, and when i took off my lens cap, i dropped it, and my lens cap started blowing away in the wind, took us a while to grab it...

it was cold. and windy. almost fell over numerous times, and i couldnt get my camera to focus :[
after this, we're like "dude, lets go drive up that other mountain, by chris's house!" so we think we're on the road to the top, but we actually end up driving behind the mountain, and we drive along this sketchy dirt road, then it turns into US government property, and so we turned around, ventured on.
we ended up driving by Best Buy and Circuit City to check out all the idiots camping out, one lady threatened to spray teejay with pepper spray, because he said we were gonna come back in the morning and cut in line...it was hilarious.

i drive with my eyes closed
then, after an intense wal-mart session, teejay/nick start trying to call their friend brian, he starts making up excuses like i'm sleeping, and i'm gonna go home soon, etc...10 minutes after his goofy phone calls, we see drive by, or at least we thought it was him...i guess it was his same exact car, down to the details, same little body kit shizz, same goofy headlights, came car...so, okay, we follow him.
he's driving out on leslie, way out there, and he turns on some random road, that goes out into the desert, all these crazy huge houses, and we're starting to question whether its him or not, but we carry on, right on their tail, assuming its brian, realizing we're following him, so he's giving us a chase. this guy knows where he's going, he's taking some crazy roads, and we're getting sketched out. majorly. i start flashing my brights, because i'm tired of following him. after this, he speeds off, flies up to 60mph, we practically lose him, they turn into this huge driveway, and so we stop, and roll down the window...this is when the guy stays there for a few minutes, then gets out. teejay yells "brian! brian!" the guy replies "what? i'm not brian!" assuming brian is joking around, teejay yells "yes, you are!" and we really realize, we just totally stalked this dude for 15 minutes, freaking him out, so i yell sorry, and we take off.
then it got kinda weird/fun. we thought it was super fun to chase this dude. and i remember back in the day, we used to drive around with eric, and follow people for fun. so we decide, "yeah, lets follow some more people for fun!" yeah, sounds weird, but its suspensful and very very fun...we find our next victom...car full of kids about our age, the chase is on, i give them a little space, so its not too obvious that i'm following. they start going out to the same exact area, we get sketched out again. they were definatly getting sketched out though, they were turning without signals, running stop signs, i started feeling bad, but we kept on. they pull off to the side of the road, we decide to keep going, and we see that they turn around, so we turn around, just to make it fun again. we come to an intersection, you either go straight into a dead end, or turn right, i figured they turn right, and i miss the turn, so i go into the dead end. as i slow down to pull a U'ey, teejay notices they're on the side of the road, watching us, so teejay yells "OH SHIT! THEY'RE RIGHT THERE!" i'm startled, thinking "oh god, what if they're pissed...we cant just pull off the whole 'hey! joe? joe? oh...its not you? damn" so i fling the car around, thinking theres a nice shoulder, turns out, theres some gnarly soft gravel, and my car bottoms out all crazy and we speed off. we finally get back onto leslie, i start turning my wheel, and i'm looking at the spedometer or something, and i guess my wheel turned back, and we almost flew into some ditch, but teejay managed to take a hold of the wheel, and we barely made the turn without dying...thanks teejay. hahaha
so now, we pull over, make sure my car is alright from bottoming out so much, and just take it all in...then we start thinking about how funny it must've all looked. them getting out of the car, all freaked out, from being followed, then seeing us, "oh shit, there they are!" then they see us slam on the brakes, and hear us yell "OH SHIT! THERE THEY ARE!" and watch us fling around and run over a bush basically and speed off...must've been funny.
we're all calm now, collected, we notice, that i've almost hit 100,000 miles on my car, so we drive around the neighborhood until i hit it. instant stokage! then we all get out and piss on some fence. it was a magical moment.

"to think, the toyota almost didnt get to see 100,000 miles!"
now its time to go home, end the night, with a good nights rest.
today...not much, went to lexi's, went to golden, went to the mall, went to best buy, went home. lots and lots of driving.
yeah, it was another long one. hope you liked it!
have you ever watched hardcore dancing???
its embarassing. for everyone.
embarassed number 1embarassed number 2