what a day...
first of all, if you didnt know/go, you're slackin.
golden skateshops premier of the video Ice Cream Taco was at carmike...it was super fun...view.

taylor has the sweetest shirt i've ever seen...
yeah, it was epic...but depressing, i dont wanna talk about it. QQ
after the video, we all went to sheris and wasted money on food, then most of the day was kind of a blur, we just drove around looking for crap to do...whatevs, the fun didnt start until later. cory, bryant, russ, alex and i came back to my house and we watched a couple sick movies, then alex/bryant went home and russ/cory/me went skating...we made the better decision...

cory did some kind of allyooooop 180 thing

russ did a sick ass heelflip

i did a backside grabber
lurked at anthony's a while and russ got awesome

cory did feebles

after that we just drove/skated around...free running is so epic right now

came home, made mac n' cheese, russ stayed the night, hella awesome.
hope your day was good! but it probably wasnt as good as mine, cuz my day was fetchin' rad.