Saturday, September 30, 2006

9/29 and 9/30

Thursday and Friday, its been good.
yesterday [thursday] i had an okay day of school, hung out with lexi, went to some random field with an even more random couch!

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yeah i know, she looks really sweet.

afterwards, we went to wal mart so i could snag green tea and we wandered around, saw jamie and adam, whatevs, it was fun, then we went back to her house and watched the disney channel, that was awesome.
so thursday was pretty good, friday you ask? good as well my friends!

Today, great day of school, things just went easy for me, afterwards, my new shoes came in the mail, of course i like that, so i put my new gnar boots on and went down to the skatepark cuz my ankle feels like its getting better [although after a day of skating its kinda sore again]
but saw all my friends, it was fun, good park session, there were a bunch of people, basically weaved in and out of crowds of dumb kids, it was fun. i'm jealous, a bunch of people are on their way to portland to skate right now, so jealous...
but eric, teejay, ricardo, josh, chris, and i went and skated the post office rail, eric got some good photos, that you can peep at random in various loactions i'm sure. then accross the street at the new CBC building by the bust stop we skated this little gap...

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i'm just a tester

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chris did some kind of footplant, whatevs

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chris did a kickflip footplant, i was amazed

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Eric got Brutal and turned into a ninja...gets his "Kenny Reed" on!

during the session, it was halftime at the hanford homecoming game, fireworks!
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i went to the game, met up with tim and aimee and allison, we all went to sheris, had wars throwing sugar packets at people, that was fun.
tomorow, Benton City session, be at the park at noon if you wanna join!
i've been wanting to skate a mini ramp!

also tomorow is the battle of the bands, go watch Tim play in his band!
its gonna be a Victorious War Of Epic Symphonies!
i'll talk more about it tomorow!

Monday, September 25, 2006

25 September 2006

EHH, its a monday...

another day at school, yesterday i hurt my body pretty bad, tore up my arm and rolled my ankle, so i wasnt planning on skating today anyways. i went on a nice bike ride today, it was nice. went down to the river. I saw some goofy people down there, its interesting. But i was basically just looking for something to take photos of, i was having troubles finding anything, my creative outlet is closing in. i got bored, and took these.

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"this is what it looks like from my point of view"

It was a nice bike ride.

also, Eric made a sweet tee shirt design to send to threadless, and they accepted it! so go vote for his tee shirt design so he can win lots of money and happiness!!!
My Submission

click that, give him a 5, and click the "i'd buy it" box!!!
if you dont do it, you'll have bad luck.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

its been like, a week, sorry my friends.

its been a while, and i'm sorry.

yeah, i just havent been taking photos, its sad. i need to start taking photos for class as well...
ugh, i need to choose some kind of theme to shoot
*Angst/Despair (emo)
*Floral Series
oh well, hopefully, some kind of inspiration will come to me soon. maybe hands, that souds like a good one.
i'm trying to think of what i've been doing lately, trying to skate as much as possible, hanging out with tim and aimee, hanging out with lexi, counting down the days until my birthday, (october 19th, for all of you people who feel nice enough to give me a gift...but you dont have to.)
but i just havent had many opprotunities to shoot cool photos.
yesterday, went to the park, had a pretty good time skating, loved it. went out in the parking lot, had a scooter session...

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the most horrifying thing i've ever seen.

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Alex learned tailwhips

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Ridin' Derrrty

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fell over.

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believe it or not, alex landed this later after i put my camera away. haha

later that night i went to bombing range park with lexi and maddi, that was pretty fun :], oh, and maddi, if you're reading this, once again, you're fetchin craze.
it was fun i'd say. and its about 11:48 right now, and i think i'm gonna go skate at about 12. lexi is in seattle, and i'm jealous, i wish i was in seattle, darnit.
if you're reading this, i suggest you go skate.
oh! and i wanna go see tim's new kitten.

have a nice day!

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I PAPARAZI'D ZACH! thats right folks, real documentation of zach scootering!!!
ahahahhaah, "dont you dare take a photo man! dude! erase that right now! i want no proof of me on a scooter!"
and also, look at zachs arm, fuckin ripped!

Monday, September 18, 2006

9/17/06 and 9/18/06

the days get better and better. my mood is at an all time high. i havent felt THIS good for a long long time. due to many reasons, my life is awesome. but anyways, back to my daily adventures

yesterday (sunday) me, teejay, bryan, and cory skated around, we went to this apartment complex and skated this little gap for a bit before we got kicked out, i was trying to go straight through the bushes...
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"trimming the hedges"

afterwards, we went to jason lee school, and hung out on this huge sign thing, bryan tried dropping in, it was funny.
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but then, the biggest hammer ever, cory, double front hand spring off the sign, then onto the amazed!
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thats right, front hand off the sign, to dubs on flatty!

but yeah, today, monday, school, whatevs, i park sessioned, got a gnarly shinner, set up a new board, felt better, and i just feel sooo great, i'm pretty stoked on that lexi girl you could say...hahaha. and things have been going my way.

LIFE = <3

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Fridays Are Always Good.

yeah, it was another terrific day.
school went well, easy, went by quick, in the morning it was rainy, i liked that, i missed the rain. it dried up, so i skated afterschool, basically learned switch flicks down the 2 block, then my knee started hurting REALLY bad.
tim, aimee, and i wandered uptown and starbucks, chai tea is sooo good.i didnt get to go to the fight with dino and seth, but, i heard it wasnt too great, and i saw seth at the sausege fest, he looked, i dont know what happened entirely.

after starbucks and whatnot, tim/aimee, and i separated, and i went and picked up alexis, and we went to the sausege fest, that was fun, saw teejay at the mini put put thing, did the silly string war, saw some dude that liked his music wayy too much, yeah you know, just lingered with people.
afterwards lexi and i just chilled.

such a good day, optomism.

WARNING: Auto Flash on canon cameras will flash once, twice, maybe three times before the light sensor reacts and takes a photo, during the first flashes, you will go blind.
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Tuesday, September 12, 2006

best day of skating for me in a while!

yeahs, it was terrific!
i helped eric take craig's senior portraits, it was rigorous, but fun.
then afterwards, we wendys sessioned, thought of somewhere to skate, decided on howard amon park, mad little ledge session! i got to play around with eric's flashes too, made me realize i really need to get me some of those. yeah.
i skated too!

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i did a backsmith. thanks to eric, this photo turned out way cooler than i ever imagined!

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eric did a dope 5-0

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craig did a nice back tail numerous times, photo-eric

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i snagged a candid of craig

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after this, we went to the old tim bush spot, the old "hott spot" as we called it!
craig and i got dubs on an ollie into bank.

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i like the way craig ollies!

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obviously eric shot both of these, he's got magical lighting skillz! LvL 46 lightning druid.

it was really fun, packed with photography.

go to erics website!!!

DO IT!!!

Saturday, September 09, 2006

2 days of fun

past 2 days have been pretty good
skated in pasco again yesterday, teejay fell on his hand and busted the skin, it was weird stuff man...
ten year old bandages, latex gloves, forever summer stickers
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after pasco we went back to golden to watch the unattractives and the pharmacy, i really liked the unattractives, they were pretty fun, the pharmacy was pretty good too.

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no photos of the pharmacy, sorry.

then i went to the richland high game, i was in the cheering abyss, it was scary/fun, richland won, celebration.
and today, i skated, lurked at golden, and hung out with lexi, we went to some park around columbia park and then to talledega nights (if i spelled that right)
it was pretty funny, will ferrell is pretty awesome i'd say....

i'd say its been good, but, weekend ends tomorow, too soon!
call me tomorow.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

pasco session

today was a grand day
yesterday/day before werent that good, wasnt feeling too good.
not sure why, just wasnt feelin it. but today however, good.
it was picture day, made myself look really pretty for that. school was boring but i got out quick!

cedro, mario, austie, ricardo, and i went skating at this 8 stair out in pasco today, (mario and cedro plan on going back tomorow)
austin and mario did some trick.

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austin got down on a shovesters

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mario had beautiful tre bombs!

after the tricks, it was basically just a photoshoot...

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cedro by the "plaster tag"

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roughly $5,000 worth of cameras within 10 feet of eachother

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cop came, wondered if we had permission to skate, we told him "no" he said, "well, be careful, i dont want someone being angry for you skating on their property."
nice guy.

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peace up...

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...a-town down.

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rico left a soda on his car...

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"roll forever"

after pasco, we went to the farmers exchange place in kennewick
austie and i tried some stuff, no lands
except i did a front nose on the waist high part of the ledge, i'm gonna be honest with you guys, i was very proud of myself...
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i didnt think i could jump that high...

after 2 days of non fun and suck. it was nice to have a grand session. i got really sweaty, i like to sweat, i think it feels good, feels like all the bad shit in your body condensates out, its nice.
tomorow is friday! fun stuff!

Sunday, September 03, 2006

one of the best days...

ahhh, today...
it was a good one my friends. started off with a sensational bath, got clean and whatnot, lurked on the computer for a bit...
met up with tim, we went to starbucks, and i had a chai tea, that stuff was made by the greatest man/woman on earth. i would love to shake their hand. after starbucks, we went to some place to get a posterboard, i gotta work on that soon, whatevs.
we went back to tims, for a second, then went and picked up aimee, we sessioned yokes for a while. saw alec working, that was pretty funny. after that, we decided to drive around, during the aimless drive, i felt so good, it was great, not sure why, the vibes were awesome. out in west richland, there are these mountains, 2 of them, i've always seen them, and wondered what was up there, we decide, "hey! lets jam up that damn mountain!" we get all pumped, and our adventure begins...
on the way up, tim found rocks and was hurling them to the city...he got no where close.

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tim takes a break

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tim shows his dominance.

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the whole hike, tim and aimee had a pretty gnarly dirt war...tim is getting pwn'd

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tim got dirt to the face!

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we finally reach the top...totally worth it.

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aimee, sunset.

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aimee ponders

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i got happy

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aimee kicked my ass

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"fuck you aimee"

what a great time...
we went back, down to bombing range park, and ate icecream, and listend to dane cook
the perfect way to end the perfect day i'd say.

i dont remember the last time i even had a bad day.