Monday, September 25, 2006

25 September 2006

EHH, its a monday...

another day at school, yesterday i hurt my body pretty bad, tore up my arm and rolled my ankle, so i wasnt planning on skating today anyways. i went on a nice bike ride today, it was nice. went down to the river. I saw some goofy people down there, its interesting. But i was basically just looking for something to take photos of, i was having troubles finding anything, my creative outlet is closing in. i got bored, and took these.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
"this is what it looks like from my point of view"

It was a nice bike ride.

also, Eric made a sweet tee shirt design to send to threadless, and they accepted it! so go vote for his tee shirt design so he can win lots of money and happiness!!!
My Submission

click that, give him a 5, and click the "i'd buy it" box!!!
if you dont do it, you'll have bad luck.

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