well, today happens to be Monday, so, i had a rough start to begin with this morning, but like always it got better.
school was pretty boring, quite mundane.
so, my day was pretty boring, normal, whatevs...
until i went to the skatepark.
[its a long story, but its worth reading, i think, it was entertaining for me, and i hope its entertaining for you, you might even learn something from it...]
its a beautiful day, the rain has cleared, the sun is out, kinda, and the weather is much warmer.
i decide its a good day to pick up my skateboard and put it to use, so i head down to the park.
i can feel the session starting, things are picking up pace, its getting fun. then...
I hear "DONT YOU EVER TELL ME TO SHUT UP AGAIN!" belching out of michael[vowel's] mouth.
wait wait wait...sorry, let me back up. if you didnt already know this, michael [junior, my grade] can be a cool guy i guess, but, lately, he's been known for being kind of an arse, and generally trying to be a bully to everyone, its getting pretty wack, and its killing the vibes...for everyone. sometimes it can be funny, like a joke, some immature teasing never hurt anyone, just as long as they dont have feelings to begin with.
so, with that said,
i hear some drama happening, so i whip my head to see whats the haps
michael picks up his board, and hits blake in the leg with it.
now, blake however, [freshman i do believe] i dont like him, he can be pretty annoying, and he's been known to do some things that didnt exactly follow skatepark educate.
so, blake is getting hit in the leg with a skateboard over an argument not worth wasting your breath. cool.
michael storms off in anger, and blake is pretty hurt, we seem worried, yet we giggle a bit, and keep skating. i know i'm drawing this on...and i like it.
we skate for a bit, then hear some banging and screaming, i look in the parking lot, to see blake running away, and michael is chasing after him. appearantly, blake ran out to michaels truck, and started smashing the hood with his skateboard. just so everything is fair.
blake runs over to where we are, and just kinda awaits michael to come over, so he can run away some more, michaels eyes actually lit on fire at this point in time. finally, michael gets close enough, says some curses, and hops onto blake, he starts wailing on blakes back and the occipital part of blakes head, blakes friends run over and push him off. blake is in pain again, and michael is red in the face. michael suggests that he would "take all y'all pussy's! right here! come on! i'll kick your ass!" and the kids say "no, we dont want to fight you, we just want you to lay off."
another one of blakes friends, [freshman as well] gets in michael's face and they exchange some expected yelling, then michael says "what michael, you wanna fight me too?"
"oh god michael..." the friend says, but is inturupted by michaels palm in his face
the kid takes a swing, its a good punch, michael pulled some kind of matrix move, and dodged
but seriously, if this punch would've landed, i would've mistaken this kid for tyson.
this starts it off, they scuffle, they do the struggle hug [when the fight starts and they're kinda just hugging eachother, trying to take the other one down, but they just cant do it, so they awkwardly, aggressivly, hug.]
they start punching eachother, everywhere, face, back, stomach, kicking, whatevs, it was getting intense.
the kid manages to get michael in a headlock, and starts going at it on michaels face like a windmill, then blake sees the opprotunity for revenge, and runs over, and uses his fists to feed michael.
i notice, that the fire department is visiting the local bank of HAPO, the bank right next to the skatepark, the firemen realize whats going on, and one of them hops over the fence like a ninja and everything kind of breaks up. theres some more yelling, some laughing, some anger.
i'm laughing very hard, its terrible i know, but i cant keep a straight face when i see others fight about stupid things.
however, i'm worried/pissed, cuz i'm afraid that the firemen are going to report this fight, and if you remember what happened the spring of '05, the incident with the lurkers. we dont want the cops to have a regular check up every 2 hours at the park.
luckily, cops never came.
so, we basically tell everyone who was involved, to please, leave the park, because we dont want to see their faces. actually, i was surprised, there was no blood, because i saw some good fist to face action.
thinking back on it now. i know how the argument started, it went like this "blake, that wasnt even a real 50-50, his front truck wasnt even locked in"
blake said "shut up michael"
thats what started it. tomorow, i think i'll ask michael, "what did you solve man? all that for nothing? thats too bad, have fun getting the dents out of your hood!"
yes, i know i made that story about 500 words too long. but i dont care, i'm bored, i need something to do, and i kinda like writing.
besides, i wanna make sure you all know what really happened, because i know for a fact that michael will have a different story, and so will blake/all his friends.
i however, didnt take sides, so i'm telling you what happened, at least, what i saw. i wish i had photos to show you...i think omar filmed a little bit on clints camera...talk to clint...
what a day, its a short week, tomorow, then wednesday is a half day, then turkey day, then no school friday. i'm excited. and i hope the vibes at the park will be good tomorow!
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this story si weak and a waste of a blog gosh. i back michael. except not on having a fight. so basically if i was there i would like breakdance windmill kicked both of them and it woulda been tight and there would have been peace in the galaxy. dont waste my time with a photoless blog kyle sheesh. 'Kyles PHOTO blog' my butt
haha, sure kept me amused for a mere 10 minutes.
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