cedro, alex, cory, kyle, mario, and i drove to battleground, WA for the Emerica Wild Ride demo and to skate some rad places.
the park is so rad there, i wish i could've skated it more, it was super fun though. so many kids!
the walt nasty
joe was there
the team showed up on motorcycles, minivans, campers...
the demo began, a whole bunch of people showed up, a few ams i didnt recognize or didnt know the names of...
as far as i can remember it was
jerry hsu, kevin long, austin stephens, andrew reynolds, aaron suski, brayden szafranski, heath kirchart, brandon westgate, bryan herman, leo romero, marquis preston i think, oh, SLASH WAS THERE! and some other ams and photographers and team managers...
anyways, i'll get to the photos here...
some am that was rad
jerry was trying this crazy front blunt
kevin "spanky" long didnt skate for whatever reason.
leo kickflip back lip
reynolds and herman
brandon westgate and jerry hsu
we left the demo early to head to portland, and on our way, we were stopped at a light, mario was yelling at people from the van, and there was another mini van beside us, mario yelled "AYO! YOU WANNA RACE!" and andrew reynolds popped his head out and asked if we knew where a starbucks was, ahhaha, it was pretty rad. we didnt stop talking about it for the rest of the trip we were so hyped...losers we are.
we finally made our way to pier park to skate, that park is really fun, little wallrides all over, very very fun. then we drove to the other side of portland it seemed and skated at glenhaven with joe and austie, after that we went to burnside, al partenen was there, i was way hyped, he was just chillin in the parking lot...too bad i didnt get to see him skate. we skated there for a little while some cracked out bum almost got in a fight with some local and stole his board saying "my house! my rules!" and skated away...totally crazy man. burnside is a gnarly spot. then we skated the antique ledge and the waterfront area. after that we just headed home. it was fun though.
spanky had knee surgery, that's the reason he didn't skate. :/
that am is figgy
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