Wednesday, January 31, 2007


its cold out there, wear gloves...

charlie, ray, and nich came in from spokane last night, so i skated with them today.
we took photos out in kennewick at that crazy harsh rough bank spot.

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ray threaded the needle through the fence and that sign...which is crazy, considering his intensly baggy clothes could've gotten snagged on the fence or something...could've been bad son!

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ray-sw 180

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nich did shoves

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another angle of the shoves...

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ray tried nollie heel, slammed bueno,

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this dog runs the neighborhood, he was running around the whole time we were skating, including out in the street, i was getting nervous...

after that we went to the hampton innn thing rail...ray sessioned...
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after that we just skated chief jo, the manual pads and stuff, then a good KFC session.
then i spent the rest of my evening with lexi and lauren, it was a good day!

and the word is that smudski is coming up from santa cruz, on his way to seattle, and he's gonna stop by on friday! i'm so hyped!

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