Sunday, October 08, 2006

the best worst day of my life!!!

wow, yesterday, so much good, so much bad, but still mostly good.
haha, bad way of explaining it i suppose.
but heres how my day went...

word was that charlie, nich, and ray were in town, so i was hyped to skate with them, so went down to the park at about 11:30ish, caught up with them, sessioned park for a while, went down to chief jo for some manual madness.

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sports bra

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more duders

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jesse was gettin serious

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nich hucked a bottle at my lens

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after chief jo we went to mac town, ray filmed a line, jesse, nich, and i shot many many photos...(and if you're wondering why these photos look so damn good...i was using jesse's lenses)

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camera bags and dollar store bags<3 href="" target="_blank">Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
mac town gotta camera

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who doesnt love the bird?

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look at how perfect this is, i just happend to take the photo the exact same time as nich, so his flash went off in the photo
perfect timing

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wide angle

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we went to wendy's for some food, then back to the park.
i tried skating, with a camera following, board did not cooperate with me, wildly spun out of control, smacked charlie's lens, and the mount flew off...
i feel uber bad.
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i'm gonna pay you back charlie! whether you like it or not!

afterwards, we went and got icecream to try to make me feel better, before they all went back to spokane
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after they left
chris, cedro and i went to kennewick home depot to take care of some business
i didnt think chris would land this so fast, i was definatly amazed.
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chris-monster kickflip

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messed around with light and stuff

then we went to mario's house to pick him up, chilled for a while, went skating again down the street

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mario-"i dont think i can jump over this thing!"
me-"mario, you're black"

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new style of wallriding

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down the street, more skating
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front nose on a large one

my car was at home depot still
so we ventured our way over there, we get there, mario looks at the gap chris just kickflipped, the lights in the parking lot were off, so we had no light, cedro parked his car, and i had my flash
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mario-amazing switch blaster

what a day.
seriously, the best worst day of my life!
i have no more to say, besides have a good day to you all!

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