Saturday, October 28, 2006

mortal remains and epilepsy...again

last night, went to see mortal remains a church.
i know, doesnt make sense to me either!
the first band fucking sucked, and the hardcore dancers sucked too!, idiots. but anyways, i took photos during the whole show.

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"alex, lemme get a photo of you and a bible!"
"alright...dude, hurry up! this is getting embarassing!"

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ran into long lost frien Austin "the payne bringer" payne

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chris got raped by a couple gorilla's and a banana

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i wonder if there are a lot of alchoholic christians?

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canned food=$2 off

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alright, i was reading the new testement, out of pure curiousity, and i realized why i'm not religious...i dont know if you can read what this page says at all...but, i'll summerize it. A tragon with 8 black horns with a crown came out of the sea, and it had fire in its eyes, and it was giant basically. and all the people in the land worshipped it for its great power. by the way, according to these guys, this is a true story...i'll believe it.

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saw paul...and some other kid, paul is wicked

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"fuck hardcore dancing"

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i wish i could've gotten better angles, but, the pit was fucking intense, and i wasnt gonna jump in there, but, i was basically on stage. oh well. they ripped

this kid got ripped...
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chris and i turned my windshield wiper fluid thing so it sprays off to the side , so when i spray it, i can spray people on the sidewalk! awesome right?
haha, then i went and hung out with lexi for a while, that was nice.

then, this morning, had some problems with my "jerks" so i decided to lay down for a while, then i had a full on seizure, i dont know the true name for it, but you know, convulsing and what not...good thing i was laying on my couch.
but yeah, basically, my legs are dead, mad headache, if you've had a seizure, you know what its like, feels like you just smashed your face on a wall and then ran 5 miles.
no bueno.

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