ahh, yes, so, i spend the remainder of my day, laying around golden and whatnot...
sold 2 boards today. used the money to buy a new board at golden...i know, its rediculous, but i wanted this board pretty bad.

Rasa Libre is back, i dont know if DLXSF is still making them. but, i'm really glad they're back in business! VIVA LA NATE JONES!
but then, this evening, went and saw Tim play in his band Songs For Sleepers.
they did REALLY good. i got hyped like i always do. but i didnt take photos, just enjoyed the music. had a lot of fun this time. i jigged around a lot. some 'wigger' was doing his own goofy dance. although, i would explain it as, he was doing a dance that definatly would've been appropriete if we were listening to Snoop Dogg...but we werent. so he looked quite goofy.
oh well, to each his own right?
i mean, its not like my dance fits any genre, its the 'songs for sleepers jig!'
i basically jig around like i'm having a seizure. inspired by ian curtis.
but god they did great! and they covered 'hypnotize' by the white stripes, james pulled me up on stage, and i danced around, then we pulled alec up, danced around some more, and sang along. it was very fun.
i hope to do it again someday!!!
i didnt want to look at my ugly face, so i put a band-aid over my grossness.and figured, "hey, i cant grow a good mustache, so.."

sold 2 boards today. used the money to buy a new board at golden...i know, its rediculous, but i wanted this board pretty bad.
Rasa Libre is back, i dont know if DLXSF is still making them. but, i'm really glad they're back in business! VIVA LA NATE JONES!
but then, this evening, went and saw Tim play in his band Songs For Sleepers.
they did REALLY good. i got hyped like i always do. but i didnt take photos, just enjoyed the music. had a lot of fun this time. i jigged around a lot. some 'wigger' was doing his own goofy dance. although, i would explain it as, he was doing a dance that definatly would've been appropriete if we were listening to Snoop Dogg...but we werent. so he looked quite goofy.
oh well, to each his own right?
i mean, its not like my dance fits any genre, its the 'songs for sleepers jig!'
i basically jig around like i'm having a seizure. inspired by ian curtis.
but god they did great! and they covered 'hypnotize' by the white stripes, james pulled me up on stage, and i danced around, then we pulled alec up, danced around some more, and sang along. it was very fun.
i hope to do it again someday!!!
i didnt want to look at my ugly face, so i put a band-aid over my grossness.and figured, "hey, i cant grow a good mustache, so.."
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