Saturday, December 30, 2006

more skating! more fun!

and no twitches still!

went down to golden and met up with bunches of peoples.
we all went and skated pasco high, flipped the bench over.
i didnt skate, i took photos, gladly. i'm having way way way too much fun.

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cory did a feeble BACK 180 out, it looked really hard. it was hard to take a photo of too

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craig stands tall on 5-0's

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zack doing a smith...or a feeble...i dont remember

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zack did pointergrinder

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teejay - back lipskeez

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alex did a nollie back lipskeez

then alex did all these crazy weird flatground trickers

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he actually lands back on his skateboard in this photo

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yes that is a tucknee, flatground status

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uhmmm, ollie, without a back foot...or something.

hahaha, yeah, something like that.
then teejay, alex, vince, zach [suess] and i went to the hanford vs. richland game...
hanford lost by 1 point.
it was depressing, but i was on the richland high side, and it was kinda funny to look at all the hanford kids, all with their hands on their head, stressin hard. pure depression.
i got to see lexi though!
teejay, lauren, nick, lexi, and i all went to wendys, and i sessioned fries like crazy!
yeah...that was nice.

today is teejay's birthday, teejay, if you read this. this is the plan. i'm gonna hang with lexi until about 3ish, you probably wont even be awake by 3, and then we're gonna go to the great wall buffet!

you're buyin!

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