skated today, in the cold. went to the new kennewick park. hella rollerbladers, and some old guys i havnt seen in ages, mainly just this guy cameron, i missed him.
taylor-doing some kind of ollie scoop action with a reversed style twist
thats alex doing an ollie, and landing fakie.
after this, alex went home, and matt, bryant, craig and i went to the covered spot by safeway and set up some neatness.
although, it was pretty much one man demo for craig, he was the only one really skating. it was fun though!
safety first
bryant posing
craig standing tall on a 5-0
looks like fun!
"did he land it?"
i dont know which angle i like more...
then i wandered around and took some randumbs
what used to be a telephone
it was fun.
oh, some sweet photos of my lady as well!
lol, after i took all these photos, she would say "oh! delete that one!"
sorry lexi, but i think you look pretty cute!
fun fun fun!!!
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