Monday, January 15, 2007


today, was a monday, of no school! yay for martin luther king jr.!

matt and i drove to hermiston to meet with joe and skate/film/photo/live.

first thing we do, pick up joe, and go see eddie at domino's and get some delish pizza, i had sausage and jalepenos...making my mouth water just thinking about it!

then we went and skated these places by joes house, this one house with these neat little banks in the front, that was fun.
there was a sweet little dog jumpin around.
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oh yeah, before i go on. let me tell you a somewhat new/different experience i encounter'd while skating in hermiston. you skate houses in hermiston. something VERY new to me. cuz i do NOT do that around here. "i just like skating houses." -joe.
so, we skated a couple abandoned houses.

this house was neat, there was this driveway that went into the street, and some steps that went straight out, and you'd kinda jump into the driveway...just view the photos...

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360 flip

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some cat lurkin on my life

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backside heel

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a rock got lodged into joe's board

after that, we went to the parking lot gap at the school near by. tricks got joe.

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varial heelflips

after finally landing a somewhat sloppy varial heel, he noticed something was wrong with his board. broken truck.
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whatevs. just put it back in place! aint no thang! keeps skating!

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360 flip

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frontside flip

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not quite landed...back heel.

oh yeah, it was crazy!
if i didnt was VERY cold outside. even though it looked so warm and sunny.
the sweat running down joe's hair froze! crazy gross!
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after that, we drove around to some other spots, but the sun was going it was time to head home. after the nice drive home, it feels good to just sit and view all the sweet photos.
i feel like everytime i shoot skateboarding, it gets better and better. its great!

but its soooo cold!

hope your day/weekend was good, see you at school tomorow! : /

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the pics seem to be cut off