Wednesday, October 04, 2006

intense tuesday...or is it wednesday?

what day is it???

today was alright, i gotta cute little flash guy last night, call him joey, he enhances my photos.
every morning, i park, see tim, we go to school, snagged him right quick
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school was school, nothing new.

rainy day golden session, watched underworld, made fun of eachother...well, mostly me, took some photos of nothingness.
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straight edge creepazoid

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a couple ugly dudes

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tyler - the most brutal muthafuck out there, my role model.

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bryant twirls a sword and almost snags his jugular...

after a while
something triggered another intense battle in the shop. this time, it was alex vs. chris, and everyone else that decided to contribute to the pwn'age.
i documented it the best i could.

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i swear chris wanted more than a fight...

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see that broomstick? alex is getting pwn'd so hard!

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bryant jumped on...then taylor stood on bryant-pain.

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stash attack!

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bryant tried helping chris, then he fell over

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alex seems to be having fun

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alex bites.

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then the fight moved to the ground.

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matt shoves his foot in chris

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taylor turned the struggle into a threeway.

the scuffle came to a hault when both men were fatigued and tired. Sharpie on alex's face, sharpie on chris's face/sweater, sharpie on the carpet, one broken sharpie as well.

then we went to the park for a little, went and played pool, back the park, rain, i came home, i've been doing nothing...boredom!!!

tomorow is thursday, which means the next day is friday!
excited much!
good day i'd say, hope your's was swell.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you're a great photographer, and yes i actually read your blog :)

so keep it up.
it's nice.