Saturday, February 17, 2007


ahhhh you know!

beautiful day. seriously awesome outside.
went skating right after school, hung at the park for a few. then went to some curb cut over pole deal that alex scoped.

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ladies! he's single!

i dont know if cory landed the 180, but he tried it a lot...
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then we went to cola land
alex got a little too manly with zach, and he somehow got a bloody nose
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then we went back to the park for a little, skated, went and got teh bench and skated at chief jo...there was like, kids skating and lurking on our session, it was funny. we all tried to run a lap around the track...but i was too out of shape and gave up, matt won.

after that, we went back to golden for a bit, then i went and skated at some tennis court with the bench, that was neat, went and picked up lexi and we just hung out.

really really really good friday. and the weather is so nice today! go skate!

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