after you watch this.
today, it was a lovely day outside, the sun was shining, and i was in a general good mood.
so i go down to the park, skate for a while, had a little fun i'd say.
then chris, matt, austie and i went to CBC, so chris could skate down some stairs and get awesome.
i took photos. matt filmed...austie hyped.
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then mean old man came and gave us the boot, then i tried to be all nice and friendly to him, and he kinda started being nice back to me...then he watched us from very far away and made sure we were definatly leaving...lame.
then we went to this brick 8 stair or something, you may remember it from previous blogs a couple months back. when we got there, it was all wet and gnarly, we had to do some cleaning, and chris found some straight up plywood to land on. he got business taken care of.
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after that, we went back to richland and i dropped everyone off.
then i went and had a lovely time with lexi, it was very fun.
i'd say i had a great day. tomorow is a half day, so, i'm hyped for that, i might go get chinese buffett, then again, i might save my money and get cheaper food...maybe that...yeah...someone give me an idea!
hope your day was good!
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