Sunday, February 11, 2007

hermiston adventure

yesterday was a half day, after school, sessioned chinese buffet, half of hanford was there, but i was with teejay, zach, alex, and bryant, total dudefest. whatevs.
afterwards we lurked around, skated, decided we wanted to session, we called joe, and the planning went through, and the awesome began.

met up at alex's house
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alex is gonna be a breaker someday.

after we got there, the drive started, it was alex driving, matt, craig and myself.
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finally arriving at joes house, we sat and watched some footage and whatnot, good stuff.
i admired some of joes paintings, i like his stuff.
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bob marley

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urban meets nature on a snapped chunk of wood suck.

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alex was hyped to look in the fridge and find cola. StokedOnPepsi

then we went and skated around for a bit, didnt get to radical, saved energy for the next morning.
went back to joe's and hung out, had a crazy photosession with alex eating some nachos...everyone was grabbing whatever they could find around joe's house and throwing it on the table, after a while, you cant really even see the nachos...

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"i was high on peanut butter balls...thats meth and peanut butter."

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reminds me of those iSpy books...

then we just sat around joe's and watched videos, played louis's wii, and stayed up until 3:30 trying to sleep. next morning, we all started getting up and drove to pendleton.
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Frontside flick to board breaker at the school...dont worry, he set up another board and landed the crap out of it. so nice.

drove to some community college, kinda fun.
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photojournalising...craig does a noseslide, while matt films.

then we were ready to we started heading back home...
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dope ass chevron bathroom session.

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creepy craig

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i think i was yelling something to alex...just trying to explain the questionable expression on my face. bro'd out.
dropped off joe, and came home.

it was definatly a fun trip.

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