Tuesday, December 12, 2006


today, school was boring. really really boring. oh well,
got out of school, it was dry enough to skate, so i went to the park, like always, i complained about how it was too cold/windy for me to skate and enjoy myself, so i called it quits, and went to golden for like, 15 minutes probably.
i go in, alex and nick are chillin, alex is playin super nintendo. the other controller doesnt work, due to a tragic pepsi spill accident. so why keep this useless controller around? lets do what the human mind loves, lets entertain ourselves, lets cause destruction!
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its kinda hard to see, but its about to hit...

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i kinda had to burn and highlight the actual hit, its still kinda hard to see.
but basically, nick just swung the controller by its cord, and smashed it on the floor. pieces went flying everywhere, like plastic does. and it easily could've taken out someones eye. badly. infact, a huge chunk of this plastic waste hit alex in the neck!
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not much damage, but i mean, it could've taken out his eye!

it sure was fun though!
came home, read for like, 2 hours...boring

yesterday, i went down to the river in hopes of taking a cool photos, i was kinda pleased with this one...
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tomorow is wedensday i think?
i never know what day it is.
hope yours was swell!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds good, I like to read your blog, just added to my favorites ;)